Victory Won, Bondage Broken


The other day TBN broadcast the movie “Passion of Christ” I caught the very last scene where the sunlight hits the inside of the tomb after the stone was rolled and the camera finds Jesus resurrected. That scene brought to mind the thought that, at that point of resurrection the war was finished and victory was declared. Satan and death are defeated. That day Jesus walked out of the grave as The Victorious King.

1 Corinthians 15:55 – O death, where [is] thy sting? O grave, where [is] thy victory?

The resurrection of Jesus on 3rd day, broke the sting of death. It cannot kill us anymore. The hold that grave had on mankind’s spirit was loosed and it lost. It couldn’t contain the Son of God who died on the cross for my Sins. The same resurrection is promised to those who believe in Jesus’ redeeming work on the cross. He paid the price for the sins of mankind with his blood. This brings to mind some of the events in history.

In the month of June D-Day came and went. I salute to the troops who so daringly jumped onto enemy coasts to fight and ultimately gain victory. I think that D-day played an important role in hastening the downfall of Hitler’s regime. nazis ran the death factories meticulously towards the so-called “final solution”. They had systems established to do it. But when the nazi forces realized that their defeat is inevitable, they just went on rampage through the concentration camps. They either wiped out entire camps or just executed as many as they could. They blocked the news of allied victory from the captive. In the end they fled leaving devastation in their path. Sometimes they abandoned the camps in a hurry and left the Jews incarcerated to die slow death. Many people from these camps died waiting for the allied forces to come and release them. Some of the nazis disguised themselves and got lost in the general population.

The day that Christ died on the cross was the D-day and the resurrection confirmed the victory won on the cross. The Enemy(Satan) knows that it is defeated. We are living in a period when the enemy is trying to kill as many as it can. The enemy is trying to keep the news of this victory from the captives. The sinners(captives) didn’t know that the war was fought and won. The news has to be carried over to them to set them free. To be released from the enemy camp.

John 8:32 – Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

The enemy is going on a rampage as is evident by the senseless evil that we see everyday. History has probably not seen as sinful world as it is now. This world needs Jesus, His Sacrifice on the Cross and the Resurrection. I need to realize that I am a sinner, captive of the enemy, but had been fought for, and won from the enemy by the blood of Jesus. The price had been paid and I am free. No longer a slave but a son of God.

Galatians 4:7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.

Jesus set us free!!